Pure and Clear - First Rainbows

Gratitude. This week I am deeply grateful for winter turning into spring. Epimediums, barrenworts, have begun to flower this week and grouped with the shining, yellow to white daffodils and a shrubby crab apple, this image is everything to me. It offers the early pop of vibrancy, the intricate and delicate forms that drag one to the soil on all fours to get a closer look, and a woody scaffolding above, about to open up with hundreds of invitations of gratitude to all the pollinators and spectators. No matter how many times I come across this grouping in the gardens, I am filled with abundant, fundamental strength.

Epimedium rubrum, red barrenswort and daffodils underneath a crab apple.

Epimedium rubrum, red barrenswort and daffodils underneath a crab apple.

Additionally, spring ephemeral wildflowers are beginning to have their moments. Most noteworthy to me was the first wild Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) I have seen since 2017! I’ve moved around, had jobs, and simply wasn’t looking for them for a bit. Without a doubt this flower is on my favorite list and I shout with joy when I spotted it. Hardcore fandom happened, no shame to admit it.

AHH I’ve found you again!

AHH I’ve found you again!



Somehow words are escaping me for the liveliness of the garden work this week. I hope these pictures will fill the gap.

Erythronium albidum, white trout lilly found in the garden.

Erythronium albidum, white trout lilly found in the garden.

Daffodils lead the way for the perennials.

Daffodils lead the way for the perennials.

Trillium sessile, Toadshade found in the garden.

Trillium sessile, Toadshade found in the garden.



Timing was off to help out at the CSA this week, yet I was able to help at my mentors perennial farm. We sowed seed for a number of native plants that went through a cold moist stratification period, moved potted plants around, and watered. Growing is definitely a lifestyle. Plans get shifted around, holidays are skipped, and yet there is a pleasant moment of serenity when watering. And then the hose gets caught on a flat of seedlings that flip over and get messed up…infuriating to some, and to be laughed off by the grounded grower.

Taking a picture when I admittedly should have been helping free up the hose…

Taking a picture when I admittedly should have been helping free up the hose…

Sowing Aster seeds.

Sowing Aster seeds.

Our first kale plants were transplanted into the home farm this past Thursday! Anxiety induced and a bit fearful leaving them to fend a bit more for themselves, we opted to wrangle a fence around the entire garden. We’ve had deer browse close to home this past year and there are numerous creatures that would be delighted to be early taste testers for our produce, I just know it. Unromantic side of farming and gardening, though our compost pile is open to all for the tasting and taking!

Chlo planting her first seed block transplants!

Chlo planting her first seed block transplants!

If only you were a tad larger, bud, then we wouldn’t need a fence for the deer!

If only you were a tad larger, bud, then we wouldn’t need a fence for the deer!



Repotted a cherry tree with one container in mind, though after uncovering more of the roots, I opted for a different ceramic. One without drainage/air holes, so I quickly and carefully drilled some whilst the tree watched. Also had an opportunity to style a tree I am quite fond of, my first created bonsai.
Picked up some perennial plants this week and I have begun my kusamono/shitakusa creations. Kusamono are stand alone, mainly herbaceous plant compositions in containerized form while shitakusa is an accompanying piece to a bonsai display. I have ceramics on the way from four different ceramicists and I am curious to see how my feelings will develop for each piece. My mom was creating pots for me last year, though she has momentarily stopped so I have had to find new “pot dealers” to fill my desires.

First bonsai I created getting an early spring styling.

First bonsai I created getting an early spring styling.

Kusamono rectangluar pot made by my mother, housing Allium alba and Glechoma hederacea.

Kusamono rectangular pot made by my mother, housing Allium alba and Glechoma hederacea.




Dayton Hollow - Dayton Hollow

HUGE shout out to my friend Aaron and his pals for releasing this album today! Available now on all streaming platforms. I have had it playing all afternoon and it hits all the necessary feels for me right now. Instantly adding this to my “go to” mix. Thanks for the melodies, rhythms, and lyrics guys!


On a pondering note, what vow do you want to refresh for yourself to cultivate a life condition where you can declare that you are securely and supremely happy, and thus imparting benefit onto others? I’ll be thinking more about this and in the meantime, I hope you do as well and that you’ll hang around so we can hear what we all come up with and work towards!

Afternoon, muddy hike with Boone and Jupiter.

Afternoon, muddy hike with Boone and Jupiter.


Beginning of Summer - Frogs Start Singing


Pure and Clear - Swallows Return