Pure and Clear - Swallows Return

Today was one of the first major spring rain events of the gardening season so far, which means a day of rest! Simply, that means less physical work. Since I am working on multiple projects spanning a few disciplines, I have lots of cerebral work and thus enough tasks to fill a rest day and then some. Nonetheless, my thoughts can drift off a moment longer and I can ponder or conceptualize a little deeper on days like today.

Backyard wanderings in an ephemeral pond captured on 35mm film. Thanks Sophie for helping me develop and scan them! Clearly I have a thing for trees…

Backyard wanderings in an ephemeral pond captured on 35mm film. Thanks Sophie for helping me develop and scan them! Clearly I have a thing for trees…

Last year was primarily divided into garden projects and bonsai projects. This year I’ve added farming projects to the list. On any given day of the week, I’ll be: stewarding perennial plants and improving aesthetics for residential homes; pruning, wiring, repotting, fertilizing, styling, and staring at bonsai; and tending to a variety of vegetables and herbs in our CSA project at home as well as another local CSA farm.

Soil amended, compost piled, and ready to rake! Helping out the Village Farmstead CSA duo, Sam & Sara. Love helping and hanging out! “ROOTS, ROCK, AND CLAY…IT’S A SHITTY SOIL” (farm version of “Roots, Rock, Reggae” by Bob Marley).

Soil amended, compost piled, and ready to rake! Helping out the Village Farmstead CSA duo, Sam & Sara. Love helping and hanging out! “ROOTS, ROCK, AND CLAY…IT’S A SHITTY SOIL” (farm version of “Roots, Rock, Reggae” by Bob Marley).

My days of reading and consuming media are few, and each moment I feel more connected with my surroundings and those around me. Remarkable how yesterday the boxelder tree buds were silvery purple and all throughout the woods today they are a bright green! Spring peepers are becoming louder at night, still overpowered by the chorus frogs. And almost every morning I have a run in with a pair of wood ducks, nestled in the canopy of a tree.

Already have made a few mistakes and missed timings, and already have had major accomplishments and emotionally rewarding moments.

Absolutely adore this pairing of a European beach on a collected rock. No, I’m not crying, it’s just raining on my face!

Absolutely adore this pairing of a European beach on a collected rock. No, I’m not crying, it’s just raining on my face!



Music on rotation this week:

Cat Clyde

Johnny Flynn

Snail Mail

Being As An Ocean (especially helpful when I need to “turn off my conscious thoughts” and work)

Book(s) at the bedside:

Tokachi Millennium Forest - Dan Pearson & Midori Shintani

What wonderful and captivating imagery! An admirable, outstanding concept and project that has forever changed how I view design, culture, and land ethics.

Hellbore and Carex table setting, ikebana style.

Hellebore and Carex table setting, ikebana style.


Should get back to emails and I have a cherry tree that needs to be repotted into a bonsai container. Sounds like it’s about dinner time for the pup, too.




Pure and Clear - First Rainbows


Beginning of Summer - Bamboo Shoots Sprout